620 E 25th Street • Kearney , NE
620 E 25th Street • Kearney , NE
A colonoscopy is a test that lets your doctor look at the inside of your large intestine for any problems, such as ulcers, polyps, tumors, swelling or bleeding. It is one of many tests that can be used to look for colon cancer. Screening colonoscopies are recommended for people at age 45, with follow-up colonoscopies scheduled based upon findings. Many insurance companies will pay for screening colonoscopies as preventive care. We suggest you check with your company before scheduling.
Diagnostic colonoscopies are utilized to diagnose an acute issue that is already occurring, such as blood in the stool, constipation, gas or bloating, rectal bleeding, anemia, chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea or unexplained weight loss. Insurance companies often require patients to meet a deductible for diagnostic colonoscopies. Patients should check with their company before scheduling.
The following Family Practice Associates doctors provide colonoscopies in the outpatient setting, at the Heartland Surgery Center.
Please call our office at 308-865-2767 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
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